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Si tenga inoltre presente che la WebCommunityLab di profscaglione.it è un sito in parte frutto di attività didattica che, per la sua particolare natura, richiede a volte la pubblicazione di materiale non sempre corretto, sull'affidabilita` del quale non si fornisce alcuna garanzia.
Birds are
bipedal, warm-blooded, oviparous vertebrate animals
characterized primarily by
feathers, forelimbs modified as
wings, and (in most) hollow bones.
Birds range in size from the tiny
hummingbirds to the huge
Ostrich and
Depending on the
taxonomic viewpoint, there are about 8,800–10,200 living
bird species (and about 120–130 that have become
extinct in the span of human history) in the world,
making them the most diverse class of
Birds feed on
nectar, plants, seeds, insects, fish, mammals, carrion, or other birds.
Most birds are
diurnal, or active during the day, but some birds, such
as the
nightjars, are
nocturnal or crepuscular (active during twilight hours), and many
waders feed when the tides are appropriate, by day or
Many birds
migrate long distances to utilise optimum habitats
(e.g., Arctic Tern) while others spend almost all their time
at sea (e.g. the Wandering Albatross). Some, such as Common
Swifts, stay aloft for days at a time, even
sleeping on the wing.
Common characteristics of birds include a bony
beak with no teeth, the laying of hard-shelled
eggs, high
metabolic rate, a 4-chambered heart, and a light but
skeleton. Most birds are characterised by
flight, though the
ratites are flightless, and several other species,
particularly on islands, have also lost this ability.
Flightless birds include the
kiwi, and the extinct
Dodo. Flightless species are vulnerable to extinction when
humans or the mammals they introduce arrive in their
habitat. The Great Auk, flightless
rails, and the
New Zealand, for example, all became extinct due to
human influence.
Birds are among the most extensively studied of all
animal groups. Hundreds of academic journals and thousands
of scientists are devoted to bird research, while amateur
enthusiasts (called birdwatchers or, more commonly,
birders) probably number in the millions.
Con Sistema avanzato di Filtri
per le singole Sezioni
e la possibilità (come su Google) di
cercare due-tre termini ben precisi mettendoli tra le " " (virgolette:
il sistema troverà tutti i documenti in cui le parole tra le
virgolette compaiono tutte in quel preciso ordine).
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